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麦德龙液压具有悠久的家族式经营的优质销售和服务历史。这一切都始于第二次世界大战,我们的创始人,穆雷和哈里·斯托奇兄弟为布鲁克林海军造船厂修理千孔。他们很快就一起做起了修理汽车千斤顶的生意。他们决定扩大规模,在新泽西州纽瓦克开了一家店,从事汽车设备维修和销售。作为一家家族企业,我们仍然延续着这一个人服务的历史。所有的维修都是在公司内部完成的,我们对质量的承诺和多年前一样。然而,我们已经进化了很多。除了千斤顶,我们还为汽车客户销售和安装润滑系统和液压升降机。我们是建筑和工业市场、维修、服务和销售液压和气动生产工具的领导者,为工厂维护行业的无数客户提供液压。对于我们的建筑客户,我们致力于土方设备和拖拉机的液压(液压缸修理,泵和阀门修理)。 We also fabricate hoses while you wait. One of our major specialties is the design of jacking systems, and we are a major supplier for the bridge and infrastructure markets. Our products and services are crucial to the repair of many major New York City bridges and tunnels. But that’s not all. We repair and sell hydraulic tools for utilities, transportation, repair of aircraft ground support equipment, provide lifts for train and buses, do materials handling equipment, and more. In the past, we were responsible for designing a hydraulic lifting system used for lowering a section of the NJ Turnpike. In short, customers in so many industries have been relying on us for their complex jobs, and have come to find that the quality we provide is second to none. The vision and passion of the Storch brothers continues today, and we are proud to continue their tradition. Please visit our website atmetrohydraulic.com,如有任何问题,请随时与我们联系。


